Author Archives: outandbackblog

3DREID Student Award

I’ve been nominated for the 3DReid Student Award, the image with the most likes on facebook automatically gets nominated to go through to the next stage of the wards so please click the image above to go through to facebook

3DREID Student Award

I’ve been nominated for the 3DReid Student Award, the image with the most likes on facebook automatically gets nominated to go through to the next stage of the wards so please click the image above to go through to facebook

RUBIX Project featured in Architectuur NL

The RUBIX project made it into another publication, this time it was featured in the dutch magazine Architectuur NL

RUBIX Project featured in Architectuur NL

The RUBIX project made it into another publication, this time it was featured in the dutch magazine Architectuur NL

RUBIX Project featured on Dezeen

My diploma project ‘RUBIX’ has been featured in an article on Dezeen, head over there to check it out and maybe contribute to the interesting debates taking place in the comments.

RUBIX Project featured on Dezeen

My diploma project ‘RUBIX’ has been featured in an article on Dezeen, head over there to check it out and maybe contribute to the interesting debates taking place in the comments.

New Website: RADD

Hi All, Since finishing my diploma I’ve had a bit of time to set up a new website for my freelance visualisation and graphics services. If you get a minute head over there to take a look at The

New Website: RADD

Hi All, Since finishing my diploma I’ve had a bit of time to set up a new website for my freelance visualisation and graphics services. If you get a minute head over there to take a look at The


This is the final film of my architecture diploma it is intended to compliment the themes of the thesis, creating a malleable virtual TARDIS.


This is the final film of my architecture diploma it is intended to compliment the themes of the thesis, creating a malleable virtual TARDIS.

Final Diploma Portfolio – TARDIS/RUBIX

This is the final piece of my architectural diploma portfolio, it outlines the themes in the final film I produced as a design project to compliment the architectural thesis ‘TARDIS: The Possibilities of Utilising Virtual[ly Impossible] Environments in Architecture‘. The

Final Diploma Portfolio – TARDIS/RUBIX

This is the final piece of my architectural diploma portfolio, it outlines the themes in the final film I produced as a design project to compliment the architectural thesis ‘TARDIS: The Possibilities of Utilising Virtual[ly Impossible] Environments in Architecture‘. The

Computers Dropping Like Flies

In the last two weeks the Blue Screen of Death started appearing on my laptop and now that is pretty much dead for anything more memory intensive than surfing the internet, and even that quite often caused the BSOD, and

Computers Dropping Like Flies

In the last two weeks the Blue Screen of Death started appearing on my laptop and now that is pretty much dead for anything more memory intensive than surfing the internet, and even that quite often caused the BSOD, and

Portfolio Images

I’ve been solidly rendering for the last 3 weeks now but thought I’d give one of my computers a rest and work on some images this morning. Here they are, just a few quick concept images for the portfolio, have

Portfolio Images

I’ve been solidly rendering for the last 3 weeks now but thought I’d give one of my computers a rest and work on some images this morning. Here they are, just a few quick concept images for the portfolio, have

Rubix Cube

This is the base for a model I’m working on that will become a rubix cube city. The cube will twist and rearrange itself forming the spaces that exist within the film. The rubix cube will exist within the cube

Rubix Cube

This is the base for a model I’m working on that will become a rubix cube city. The cube will twist and rearrange itself forming the spaces that exist within the film. The rubix cube will exist within the cube

Restaurant Images

These are a couple of images I have been working on for a restaurant project in St Petersberg. Design by others.

Restaurant Images

These are a couple of images I have been working on for a restaurant project in St Petersberg. Design by others.